Postmodernism Project
"There is no aphrodisiac like innocence."
My painting for the postmodernism project reflects the quote, "There is no aphrodisiac like innocence." There is an obvious focal point as well as movement incorporated into the piece. The focal point is the girl's bow - which purposely does not fit within the compound color scheme. The eye then is caught by the bottom point of the wine bottle. Moving up the bottle, the warped neck of it directs the viewer's eyes to the disported images of aphrodisiac foods. The eye follows the pour of the wine, down the wine glass, to the oysters, and again directed down by the pointing strawberries.
The compound color scheme is comprised of blues, purples, and greens. I chose this particular scheme to compliment the deep green of the wine bottle. I wanted the two images - the girl and foods - to flow together, not obviously contrast each other.
Finally, there are denotative, connotative, and ideological concepts illustrated within the image. The denotative aspects are: there is a girl with a bow on her head and her eyes are closed. In addition to that, there is a wine bubble above her head and a distorted image of rich foods and drink. Furthermore, the connotative aspects are the woman's eyes are closed yet there is a thought bubble above her head - she is thinking about eating or drinking. Perhaps, the pictured food and drink are her favorite things to eat. The ideological points are - the pink bow represents innocence and youth. The closed eyes are signifies she is thinking and "closed" off to, or apprehensive about, expressing her true thoughts. The wine bottle think-bubble signals just how consumed she is by these thoughts. It is not a typical cloud thought bubble. It is an actual wine bottle. The foods are not just random foods, or even her favorite foods - they are known aphrodisiac foods that stimulate sexual desire. Considering the fact that she is thinking about these particular foods, shows that there is much more than what meets the eye. In short, people may not always be who they seem at surface level.
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